I intend to investigate the concept of the 'double shift' of labour as experienced by women.

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Candidate Number :7288

Centre Number      :71526

                        Hypothesis / Aim

I intend to investigate the concept of the ‘double shift’ of labour as experienced by women.

Despite increasing female participation in the labour market most research points out that the responsibility for housework and childcare still lies with women. This has inspired me for further investigation. Secondly, most sociologists’ studies deal with time spent on domestic labour and types of tasks performed by gender. The idea of ‘2’ jobs carried out by women has a slightly different emphasis, which I am interested in investigating

84 words

                                              Context/ Concepts

An Official report, Social Focus on Men and Women, (1998) found that the traditional distinction between the man’s role as ‘breadwinner’ and the woman’s role as ‘homemaker’ is becoming less clear cut in the terms of women role at work. This represents a dramatic change in recent years. Despite this, they found that while the ‘New Woman’ is apparently prepared to share the burden in terms of earning income this does not appear to be matched by the ‘New Mans’ willingness to share the burden of domestic life. At home the traditional division of domestic labour between men and women has not changed much to adjust to the new situation, for example, the report notes women ‘always or usually’ do the washing or ironing in the majority of couples (bar 2% of couples). Men assume responsibility of grocery shopping ‘usually or always’ in just 55 of couples. Women continue to bear responsibility in childcare. This research provides a perfect framework for my own research because it clearly illustrates the concept of the ‘double shift’ as experienced by women. It is this very experience into which I wish to gain insight. I expect to find that women have added to their responsibilities, rather than exchanged them.

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Elsa Ferri and Kate Smith (1996) produced data based upon the large scale National Child Development Survey which found that it was still very rare for fathers to take primary responsibility for childcare even in dual-career families. The man was the main carer in 4% or less of families. Even when women had paid employment outside the home and the man did not; it was still more common for the woman than the man to take main responsibility for routine childcare or childcare in the event of illness. In terms of my study, this suggests that the increasing employment ...

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