IMF good or bad?

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        Is the IMF a good thing or a bad thing? It claims to be an organization that helps out struggling economies, but there has been cases and evidence that prove just the opposite. An organization that’s main purpose to help and assist struggling economies should have a spotless record and should be reviewed and re-structured, if it should ever end up doing harm to another country. The current model of the IMF is an unethical model, which is run by just a few countries that use it to push their own agendas. The idea of the IMF was born at the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. The IMF’s main purpose was to assist war torn countries after the Second World War. The IMF was not the only institution
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created in order to assist, there was also the UN. The USA really wanted to be the ones in charge of looking after these struggling countries, so they poured lots of money into the IMF. Why the IMF and not the UN you might ask. The reason the USA chose the IMF is because the country that gives the largest amount of money will have the largest say in what happens; unlike the UN where it is one country, one vote. At the heart of the IMF is the theology that US corporations are going to be the main driving ...

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