Modernity - a philosophical disposition

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Modernity is a philosophical disposition which addresses society as a rational object of analysis. Modernity assumes, that through rational analysis of our society, rational solutions can be derived and implemented in the name of progress. However, progress is a loaded word and one man's progress is another man's nightmare. The Film N!ai portrays a community which becomes victim to theories of modernity and the implementation, or modernization, thereof. The community depicted in N!ai, the "!Kung", is affected by forced relocation, the shift to a cash-based economy from a subsistence-based one, and the circumscription and subsequent bureaucratization of social life under the South African state within a managed reservation. While the "!Kung" people are represented by white managers and soldiers as the 'beneficiaries' of this transformation, the film tells a different narrative; one that offers a critique of the effects of modern state politics upon small scale societies. By exploring Durkheim's theory of 'anomie and mechanical/organic transitions through the division of labor; Marx's theory of class conflict and commodity fetishism; and Freud's theory of repression and displaced aggression, it can be understood why the theories of modernity and the modernization thereof ultimately failed to progress the peoples depicted in the film N!ai.

Durkheim's theory begins with the notion of mechanical and organic divisions of labor. The !Kung tribal peoples within the film N!ai were an isolated mechanical division of labor. The hunter-gatherer tribe preformed group rituals of healing. Such healing rituals included song, trance like dancing and song and the collective effort of the group. Durkheim would suggest that such healing rituals reinforce a collective consciousness; the trance and dancing encourage family ties as well as hold a political power in their ability to persuade people to organize. Similarly, kinship, group solidarity and religion are reaffirmed through the songs associated with the healing process. The overlap of kinship, economic, political and religious spheres within the tribe in N!ai is defined by Durkheim as Mechanical solidarity.
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According to Durkheim, eventually the tribe will grow and require a more complex and specialized division of labor in order to govern its peoples. Durkheim referred to this specialized division of labor as 'organic'. Durkheim' theory assumes that the transition from a mechanical division of labor to an organic division of labor will be a gradual evolution and that group solidarity will continue through reason not conformity. In the film N!ai, this was not the case. The !Kung tribe which functioned according to a mechanical division of labor was victim of forced movement and placed upon a reservation ...

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