Notes on Violence in Society

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  • Violent by nature
  • Since ancient times the world has been a violent place where many people have had to fight to survive.
  • Human beings are unique as a species, use violence to gain dominance over other individuals, groups or nations for personal, racial, religious or economic advantage.
  • In addition, television, radio and newspaper reports of wars, murders, rapes, and child abuse make us all aware of the violence that exists in the world.
  • Defining Violence
  • Violence : physically aggressive behaviors that do, or potentially could, cause injury or death.
  • Violence can be psychological: a person maybe mentally damaged by repeated cruelty or threats
  • Sexual abuse and rape also usually involve coercion (forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do)
  • Children and adults exposed to all sorts of violent situations, such as long-term family violence or war, sometimes suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which can affect both their physical and mental health for a long time.
  • What makes people violent?
  • “We are by nature basically aggressive, violent and selfish and… there exists in all of us a beast waiting to get out.”
  • Social factors: poverty, inequality, and family upbringing
  • Poverty is the worst kind of violence.
  • There are relatively less crime in prosperous, democratic countries such as Sweden, Norway and Japan.
  • Violence in war
  • War is the most devastating violence that human beings inflict on each other.
  • All weapons of war are designed to kill; nuclear bombs and missiles
  • The vast majority of wars have been civil wars caused by ethnic differences and poverty.
  • Of the world’s most indebted countries, 12 have suffered civil war. Angola, Central African Republic, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Ugandan and Mozambique.
  • Is Violence ever acceptable?
  • We may or may not describe certain acts as criminal or violent depending on our culture and the circumstances in which they occur.
  • Ex: Sweden has banned corporal punishment among children while Great Britain and U.S., parents are still permitted to spank children.
  • Is Violence ever inevitable?
  • There are some examples of nonviolent societies.
  • Hutterites
  • Samoa (an island in the Pacific)


  • Happy families?
  • Family life involves more emotional intensity and personal intimacy than most other human relationships.
  • Our society fails to give children their real value. Children are often seen as objects to exploit, not individuals, so their needs aren't given the priority they deserve.
  • Children and family violence
  • Child cruelty is defined as neglect, physical injury, sexual or emotional abuse inflicted or knowingly not prevented, which causes significant harm or death.
  • In some Indian families there is an emphasis on corporal punishment but this is seen as an expression of parental concern
  • Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes on filial devotion which could even mean the child sacrificing his or her own life for the sake of the parents.
  • Who are the abusers?
  • For many children some form of violence is a part of their everyday lives because their abuser is another family member.
  • Physical cruelty – women exceed men especially to children under 4 years old.
  • Child sexual abuse – men are the main abusers.
  • Factors: social factors (poverty and unemployment), having no power with adult relationships, having been abused as a child
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  • Protecting children
  • DSWD
  • Anti - VAWC
  • Women as victims of violence
  • Physical punishment was often used to keep women under control.
  • Rape within marriage
  • Women around the world
  • Violence by male partners is the single largest cause of injury to women worldwide – more than muggings and car accidents combined.
  • India has a particular problem with dowry-related violence.
  • About 1/3 of women murdered in the U.S. and Japan each year are killed by their husbands.
  • Brazilians believe that a husband is completely within his rights to execute an unfaithful wife.
  • Women and family violence

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