Pre-industrial society and the views on children

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Childhood in many ways is now monitored by mental and physical ability but it is becoming increasingly common for younge children to act and dress more like adults, this is because there is more emphasis on ‘adult’ like behaviour. However in pre-industrial times children basicly did not exsist, except in very wealthy families who had only one or two children,this was because children from younger than four years old were expected to be working and earning their keep. The reason families consisted of many children was so that thay could bring money into the family, children were not seen as things to love and cherish but a chore who were expected to help fund the family.

Pre-industrial society and the views on children

  • In the middle ages all children and adults worked and played together, children were not allowed to play. This was primarily because children were seen as small adults, being labelled as such meant that children took responsibility for themselves, if children were too young to work then they were expected to look after younger siblings. Crimes such as theft were punishable as severely and children caught stealing could face being hung, theses children probably didn’t know that it was wrong to steal as they had noone to set an example for them. Parents were working for over 75 hours per week and just simply did not have enough time to worry and care about their children, the parents worked for this long so that they could afford simple things such as basis food and shelter. This shelter was normally shared between 3 families and was in a filthy state.
  • Children were regarded as an economic assets rather than a symbol of love.
  • Parents found it hard to invest emotionally into their children as death rates were so high especially in those under 10 years of age.
  • Pre-industrial family was a unit of production, working the land or engaging in crafts to sell at market to make some money. Children from the point that they could walk at helped  their parents and if the child did not pull their weight and did not bring in a income then they had to leave home and live on the streets.
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Modern society

  • In the u.k the view on childhood has changed as the working hours have lowered meaning that more time is spent with each chld, however unlike in Pre-industrial times parents are ...

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