Scholarly detachment in scientific research.

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Rosa Luis

SOC 300



        Scholarly detachment in scientific research is possible for many reasons. For example if I was doing a study on deviance in lower class family’s it would be easy for me to be influenced by my religion, culture, as well as emotions for feeling pity towards certain families. Therefore my research would be biased supporting the fact that everyday life is influenced by values, morals, etc… It is impossible for a sociologist or anybody doing a study or research not to get emotionally attached or involved in their work.  

        I agree with Bendix when he states that “Men of letters became “socially unattached” when they were emancipated from their subservience to the church and to private patrons” (Bendix 63-64). When you become socially involved in a group of certain issues that becomes all you know and all that influences your discussions and reasoning. Reasoning however to Marcuse is Knowledge or atleast should be based on knowledge. “Man, the individual, was to examine and judge everything given by means of the power of his knowledge” (Marcuse 358). If every man judged or contributed or even made decisions based on his knowledge of the matter would we not all be scholarly detached because we all have different levels of knowledge depending upon our backgrounds, cultures, morals, IQ, potential, determination, etc…

        This is necessary because people who do the research and who are reading the research want to know if what they are reading is true and is biased.  “That the worry affects both readers and researchers indicates that it lies deeper than the superficial differences that divide sociological schools of thought, and that its roots must be sought in characteristics of society that affect us all, whatever our methodological or theoretical persuasion.” (Becker 239).  The interference of biasness would interfere with the value of the work. Therefore I agree with Becker and how he thinks the issue is “not whether we should take sides, since we inevitably will, but rather whose side we are on” (Becker 239). IF we were to as a group take a side then all sociological research would be known and understood as either influenced by other methods or simply knowledgeable. This would leave our work to be read by both those who agreed and disagreed with our method and leave room still for controversy. Maybe sociology would be split up into sociology of knowledge for those who are governed, according to Smith, and sociology of the mind, or to some extent like that where there would be two groups. Smith argues that the government controls all the diversity in society and there is not an in between (values etc..), except when it comes to woman where she herself states that “we have learned as woman in sociology, that the discipline has not been one that we could enter and occupy in the same terms as men” (Smith 382). This is bias herself because if she was to do a study woman would be her bias although she makes it clear in the beginning of her article that the government controls groups and the members of the groups contribute to the “body of knowledge” (Smith 379).

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        Scholarly detachment ahs been criticized due to the readers and researchers because the value of the work is always being questioned upon biasness. Is this work true and bias free and how would we know as readers if it was. A researcher or person who performed the study would not have to let us know if he/she had a bias opinion it would just state their facts. Everyone who also reads this material would have a different bias themselves on he/she’s work. This I believe adds to the study content itself. Everyone adds there own bias making the study more ...

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