Should Cannabis Be Legalised

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Cannabis is a phsycoadictive product from the plant Cannabis Sativa and has been illegal in Scotland since the beginning of the 20th Century. However, “should cannabis be legalised?” is a very controversial question. Cannabis is the most frequently used illegal drug in the world, with 0.6% of the planets population using it daily - and many people think it should be legalised again. In this essay I will attempt to outline the various arguments for and against legalising this substance.

For thousands of years cannabis has been used for medical purposes, but with the arrival of new drugs like aspirin in the 20th century the number of people using it has dropped. In recent years however, it has been gaining support among those who swear by its effectiveness at helping to relieve the pain from many diseases. It is proven to help sufferers of arthritis, asthma, depression and glaucoma yet the government still chooses to keep it illegal. People who are caught using cannabis for this reason still get a permanent criminal record and have their future prospects massively hampered.  In countries where cannabis was legalised, statistics show there wasn’t a large increase in the number of users. It would be easier to control the sale of cannabis if it could be bought from licensed retailers rather than the current practise of buying it on street corners, where it can be bought just as easily by minors as by adults. A legal, controlled market would restrict cannabis to adults only. Also, on the black market, cannabis can be contaminated with other substances which cause more harm than the cannabis itself and a legal supply would be pure and therefore safer.

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On the other hand, almost all heroin addicts started with cannabis – therefore some people think it is the first step on the road to hard drug addiction. They think that legalising cannabis would make it socially acceptable, although the government say that even if it were to be legalised it would still be discouraged. Legalising cannabis would increase road accidents as it makes reactions slow, costing the government money which could be spent on better things such as education.  Despite the fact that there are proven medical benefits from cannabis, prolonged use of the drug can cause paranoia and ...

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