"Sociologists have defined religion in two ways: in terms of what religion does, and in terms of what religion is." What are the main advantages and disadvantages of functional and substantive definitions of religion?

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"Sociologists have defined religion in two ways: in terms of what religion does, and in terms of what religion is." What are the main advantages and disadvantages of functional and substantive definitions of religion?

Most sociologists attempt to define religion by features of what religion is or what it does. Religion is too complex to define because not all religions can fit into one rigid definition. Therefore it also becomes difficult to distinguish what is and what is not a religion. Key thinkers such as Durkheim, Marx, Weber, Freud, Simmel, Gertz , Yinger and Berger have all attempt to define religion. Their definitions usually fall into two categories, Functional definitions of religion and Substantive definitions of religion. The functional definition sees religion in terms of the functions it performs for society or individuals. It tries to explain what religion does. Sociologists have argued that religion has the function of maintaining society. Other approaches are based upon substantive definitions. They are concerned with the content of religion. Substantive definitions try to identify the key features of religion; that it involves a belief in God for example. This definition says what religion is.
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Functional definitions of religion are often based around functionalism. Parsons, a famous sociologist and a number of social anthropologists have argued that belief systems have the function of maintaining society. This is the first advantage of functional definitions of religion. They suggest that the social order brought about through religion benefits society as a whole. Functional definitions refer to how religion links people together in communities and provides what Durkhiem calls "social solidarity." Linking into communities occurs because, in general people practice their religion together. The rituals that they practice within their religion have an essential role in ...

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