The ancient civilizations of Central and South America

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History Report:

        Central and South America was once home to some of the ancient world’s most magnificent and glorious civilizations. The Incas, Aztecs, and Mayas were just three of these civilizations. These civilizations ruled the area for many years, and flourished greatly in their own different ways. They were the cause for much advancement in arts, architecture, politics, religion, and society in the world. These civilizations created pyramids, temples, and monuments in honor of their gods and rulers. Their people proved to be intellectually advanced, and they were able to successfully create calendars, alphabets, and predict solar eclipses. They all developed differently from each other but shared one thing in common, the fact that they were all highly successful. It took a great many years to finally bring an end to these civilizations. Many attacks and assaults from the Spanish conquistadors, European diseases, and selfish kings to finally bring an end to their influence on the world.

        The Aztecs were the first major civilization to rule the area of Central and South America. They are also sometimes known as the Mexicas, but we refer to them the Aztecs. They might not have been a huge empire when they began, and never really had the land area that many empires of their time could boast, but nevertheless had a great influence on Europe and Spain in particular. The Aztec Empire also ranges to the Aztec Triple Alliance. The Aztec Triple Alliance was a group of three tribes that were brought together for military purposes. The Mexicas, Acolhuas, and Tepanecas made up this particular alliance. Eventually they all combined to form the Aztec Empire ³

        The Aztecs first came to the Americas in 1168 AD. They began as a tribe of nomads and hunter-gatherers. They were not used to settling and living in one area for many years, and so it was after a few years that they began to form permanent settlements. At this time the Aztecs were not even near being a major empire, as their arrival in the region had absolutely no impact on the other tribes that were already settled there. It took many hundreds of years for the Aztecs to make a strong-hold in Central America. As this process took place they started to grow as a tribe and made more enemies. Many battles were fought with their neighboring tribes, and the Aztecs had to flee to the islet located on Lake Texcoco. It was there, as an island-city, that Tenochititlan was first built by the Aztec tribe and made their capital city. Overtime it matured into their largest city as well.

The city of Tenochititlan went through many hardships, and many wars. But, in the end the Aztec people prevailed and finally began to show their true colors with the makings of a unique civilization and culture that would dominate the Americas for many years. This showed great resilience on their part, and proved to people that they would fight for their survival against anyone.¹

Tenochititlan was situated perfectly for farming and agriculture. The city was surrounded by about five rivers, and every year these rivers would flood and the soil was perfect for farming. Extra farming lands were also created by the people when large amounts of mud were taken to the shallow bottom of the rivers, and the mud was dumped there. Over time, this idea increased the amount of land that the Aztecs could farm on. These areas were called “floating gardens”. These gardens were one of the main reasons that the Aztec Empire could depend on agriculture, because if these “floating gardens” had not been created, the Aztecs would have run out of land with which to farm. 

The people of the Aztec Empire were mostly farmers or peasants. They were not very well of and did not have the money and resources to afford a lavish lifestyle, but nevertheless they were as important as the rich people. These farmers or peasants were the basis of the Aztec civilization. The farmers would work endlessly from day to night and would produce the crops and other goods that were needed in the empire. These peasants were sometimes known as farmer-warriors because of the battling job they did everyday. ¹

Men in the Aztec Empire were of a normal height, about five feet one or five feet five if those people were extraordinarily tall. The men were the ones that suffered the misfortune of conducting all the menial labor that was required, as well as worked the fields, and making temples or other structures for the ruler. The women were slightly smaller in their height, which was natural. They had an average height of about four feet eight, and they were quite petite or delicate. The only fact that surprised me is that women worked almost as hard as the men did. They would be right behind their husband or father in helping him with anything they could manage. On top of all that menial work, they even had the added burden of carrying their baby, or babies, everywhere that they went, and overtime that proved to be a major hindrance for them. ¹

The Aztecs were renowned for the huge marketplaces that were located in every major city. Goods were traded and exchanged daily, and these market places were generally extremely busy places. The largest of these marketplaces was located in the capital city, Tenochititlan. All sorts of goods were traded, such as the crops people would farm which were mainly maize, beans, or squash and other items such as art work or pottery done by the artisans. Slaves were also bought and sold in these areas. These market places were bustling with people all the time, so a sense of law and order had to be maintained, other wise there would be destruction and mayhem, with no one to control the people. Judges were placed in these areas, and they made sure everything was done fairly, and without any problems. Any law breakers would also be usually punished by these judges. ¹

In the Aztec empire, merchants were well of, and had a much better life than any farmer, no matter how hard he worked. Their jobs were to take goods and other items from one area of the empire to another and sell them. They also traveled beyond the lands of the Aztec empire to trade goods with other neighboring tribes. This made them a huge profit on all the goods that they sold. These merchants also worked as spies for the government when they traveled outside the Aztec empire, and that acquired them even more riches.         ²

        The Aztec economy was, of course, based mainly on agriculture. Maize, beans, squash, and chilies were the basic crops that they grew, as well as other vegetables such as tomatoes. Fertile land was usually plentiful in the Aztec empire, and regular sacrifices to the gods maintained a decent amount of floods and prevented major droughts that could have been fatal to the empire’s inhabitants. These crops made sure that the Aztecs had a healthy staple diet. Cacao was beaten into a frothy beverage, and that was drunk by the people as well. But that was mostly used for noble occasions. Human sacrifices were very popular in the Aztec Empire, and prisoners, volunteers, or poor people were sacrificed in order to please their gods. ¹

The Aztec empire had very rigid and strict social classes. There was a distinct difference between the upper and lower classes, and they did not live together. The nobles were often either from the ruling family, priests, or successful warriors. Their children of course, went to different schools, and the overall quality of life was very different as well. Noble boys were the most educated as they went to the best schools and usually received a very good education. The nobles had the luxury of all the best clothing that the Aztec empire could manage, as well as living in huge dwellings that would remind someone of palaces. The nobles lived almost lived in a separate world from the common people and they did not usually mingle with each other.  The commoners in the Aztec empire were mostly farmers, artisans, or fishermen. Artisans would paint artwork, as well as carving items such as pottery, which was very popular throughout the empire. They would display their goods at the market place, and would gain a decent profit when people would buy or exchange them. This cycle helped them get enough food and supplies to survive on that basic existence. ²

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The common people of the Aztec empire occupied most of the area though. Since family life was considered very important in the Aztec empire, people lived in close units. The basis of their society was the calpulli, or a group of families that all lived together. This huge family all came from a common ancestor and mostly lived together and in relative isolation from everyone else. They would conduct their affairs very efficiently as well. Officials were elected in the calpulli that made sure everything was running smoothly. All records, crimes, justice, and warfare were taken care of by these ...

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