The changing status of women in employment

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Primary Research

The Pilot Study (APPENDIX 1)

Pilot Study review

Questionnaires- Appendix 2

Interviews- Appendix 3

Secondary Research

Internet Article: Does sex make a difference? -Appendix 4  

Newspaper Article: Why it’s still hard to be a woman- Appendix 5

Government Statistics- Appendix 6

Primary Results





Qualitative results

Secondary results

Results of newspaper article

Results of internet article

Results of government statistics


Primary Data

Secondary Data




The subject areas which I have chosen to focus on are work and employment and women. I have chosen these particular areas of sociology because as a female myself I am fascinated by the changing aspirations of women

At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was considered that women would orientate to a domestic role, women were to dedicate their life to bearing and nursing children. Women were dependant on men for money and support; they faced discrimination at work and education as many opportunities were barred to them. The women’s movement has challenged the conventional stereotype that “a woman’s place is in the home,” and many women now look beyond the archetypical housewife/mother role as their main role in life.  In the last fifty years, the labour market has changed dramatically; women have obtained job opportunities that were previously denied to them. Women constituted 38% of the labour force in 1971 but almost half in 1988 (McDowell 1992)


“Women have more status in employment because it has become more socially acceptable for a woman to put her career before starting a family”

I have chosen this hypothesis because I want to find out


  1. If women have achieved equal status with men in employment.
  2. If women are putting their careers before starting a family.
  3. If this is socially acceptable and if this means that they have equal status in employment.



Having decided upon my research topic and hypothesis I have chosen to conduct questionnaires to find out if women are putting their career before starting a family, and if women have achieved equal status with men in employment. The advantages to this type of method are that questionnaires can be distributed to a large amount of people and therefore is possible to study a larger and more representative sample which provides an overall picture of society.

         I have chosen to use fixed choice questions as this is less time consuming for the respondent which means a higher response rate. Conversely this will not allow the respondent to explain and develop their views. I have opted to use quantitative methods as quantitative data can be analysed more scientifically and objectively.        

        A limitation to using a questionnaire is that there is a low response rate which would mean unrepresentative and biased results; furthermore respondents may not interpret the questions as intended. It is possible that the respondents may give false answers therefore reducing the validity.

My sample size is 25 because I believe that this is an appropriate size to allow me to make generalised statements and comment on my hypothesis. Before doing the survey I am going to do a pilot study on 5 respondents to ensure that the questionnaires produce the information required and to identify any unforeseen problems.

        I am additionally carrying out structured interviews to find out why women are putting their career before starting a family and whether this has become socially acceptable. I have chosen to conduct interviews because it has a very high response rate. Interviews are flexible compared to questionnaires as extra questions can be added and more detail can be obtained.

        Nevertheless interviews are time consuming and therefore the sample size is small which consequently risks being unrepresentative of the survey population. Furthermore interviews have a propensity to be artificial situations and there is no way of judging whether someone is answering the questions truthfully.  Another limitation is interviewer bias; the presence or behaviour of the interviewer may influence the answers of the respondents.  The respondent may give the answer that they feel the interviewer wants to hear and obscure their real opinions thus questioning the validity of the results. I am going to interview 10 women because this is an appropriate size to comment on results.

I will use random sampling, as this will entail that each member of the population has an equal chance of been selected. However it might lead to unrepresentative results. I have decided that my respondents will be women as I intend to concentrate on the opinions of women on their status in employment and their aspirations.

        I am going to use national statistics to establish if there has been an improvement in the average female earnings and to compare the average income of men with women. However government statistics aren’t reliable as they may be manipulated to make the government look good, furthermore they were not collected by sociologists. I will also research newspaper articles to find out the public’s perception on gender inequality, and the glass ceiling faced by women in the workplace. However newspapers are sometimes ‘sensationalised’ to increase profit. I will use the internet to research whether gender influences status in employment. The limitation to using the internet is that the data is not very reliable and the source is unknown.

Pilot Study Results

The respondents of the pilot study didn’t experience any problems however I have decided to extend my questionnaire to include specific questions on childcare, equal pay and promotion. This will improve my questionnaire because I will be able to establish if and to what extent gender equality has been achieved in employment in terms of promotion and pay (aim1). I will also investigate if lack of childcare discourages mothers from returning to work (aim2).

Questionnaire on the changing status of women in employment

This questionnaire is part of my GCSE Sociology coursework on women in the workplace and I would appreciate it if this questionnaire was returned to Amena Begum. You are not obliged to answer any of the questions.

Join now!

1. Which age group do you fall into?

16-24                25-30                30-45                45-60                Over 60

2. Which of these ethnic groups do you consider you belong to?


·        British

·        Other White background


·        White and Black Caribbean

·        White and Black African

·        White and Asian

·        Other Mixed background

Chinese or other ethnic group

·        Chinese

·        Other (please mention below)        


3. Marital status

Single                Living with partner                Divorced                Married

Involved in a relationship

4. Are you in paid employment? 

 Yes                  No

5. Do you work:

Part time                 Full ...

This is a preview of the whole essay