The effect of Youth sub culture on religion

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Before I go on an important fact to note is this. Even though a young person may wish to follow the religion that their family follow according to ‘The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ and I quote ‘Children must be allowed to speak their own language and practice their own religion and culture’. This information was gathered from ‘Childrens rights issue 13 from the nineties volume 13’ by Craig Donnellan in May 1990. In 1991 these rights were accepted by the British government and now apply to all  children in the united kingdom.

I have found that youth sub culture an effect a young persons beliefs and their practice of the Christian religion even though family is found to be the most influential. Even if a subject is not Christian, family can be an influence to it, maybe with parents not being Christian or maybe they are and the youngster rebels from this. For example a female aged 16 that I interviewed told me that she had not been in a church for about 5 years, thiis is because they used to go in primary school, he mom also does not go to church and never has. This may have had an effect of the way she saw the church and never took an interest.

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An interview where sub youth culture seemed to effect individuals was a boy aged 13 who told me that he always used to be in church and was even in the chior but when he got to secondary school he lost interest and now goes out with his friends instead. He was a townie and through out my interviews I have  found the idea of church to be for “geeks and old people”. Even though I did find 50% of my questionairred townies to be christian 73% of these have not been to church for over a year.


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