The lasting effect of the New deal, Progressive Era, and the Great Society has had a great and long lasting effect on American

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The lasting effect of the New deal, Progressive Era, and the Great Society has had a great and long lasting effect on American Society. I will cover the similarities in each of these eras and I will point out some differences that I feel they share.

The Progressive Era is the time period between 1895 and 1920 during this time period there were many different events occurring such as idealism, reform, and a large economic growth. Coming into this time period people held a lot of resentment toward political corruption and many reformers felt it was affecting the daily operation of the government as well as society in general. These fears came from the fast growth of industrialization and with this fast growing mass production environment many people moved close to the factories thus causing urbanization. People were also concerned of the recent down fall in the economic system of the 1890's and these same middle class people were also concerned about the actions of large businesses.

The Progressive movement was concerned with giving the power back to the people and take it away from those in high powerful political standing and from big businesses. Small business owners wanted a chance to grow and to be competitive as well as giving the laborers a voice farmer still wanted reform. The support for reform in this time period came from both major parties as well as the third party. Some key people during this time period were Roosevelt, Wilson, Hughes, and Hiram Johnson.

Also key to this movement was the voice of writes and print media who exposed harsh working conditions, racial and sexual discrimination, and the evils of the cities.
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The women's movement came alive and even though they were held from government offices they focus they ambitions on improving working conditions in factories through inspections and though regulations on children and women's labor. This was not only for white women in 1895 The National Association of Colored Women was founded. This was the nations first African -Americans social service organization. There were other great accomplishments that happened during this time period that still heavily affect American Society today. Initiative, referendum, recall, and the short ballot extended political democracy. The 17th Amendment was passed which called for the ...

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