The strained relationships, resentment and indignation between the classes in Great Expectations

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Great expectations is a profound story. It contains the theme of love, desire, foolishness, the relationship between a family, and so on.  And the story also strongly represents social context and social force of Dickens’s time. Dickens provides us with scathing insight into the social standard of the time. I’d like to consider English social class of Great expectations.

        The class system in England began with the introduction of feudalism which followed the Norman Conquest of 1066, and it has been the social standard for hundreds of years. The class system consists of an upper, middle and lower class. These classes and the differences between them are evident in the plot and interaction of the characters in Great Expectations. Dickens depicts severely the English class system, where the  upper class is omnipotent, the middle class consists of those envious of the upper class, and the hard workers of the lower class who are unable to succeed due to their birth status.  These injustices are personified through  Miss Havisham, Mrs. Pocket and Magwitch, and I think they satirize the upper, middle and lower classes. Through colorful narrations and descriptions, these characters  indicate the various classes of nineteenth century England.

        Miss Havisham's lazy and indulgent nature is seen through Pip's many vivid descriptions of her as he became progressively more embroiled in Miss Havisham's games. Miss Havisham personified the idle rich, who sat in her mansion, brooding over the past, and still wearing her old wedding dress. Miss Havisham was obsessed with her failed marriage and created another doomed relationship by manufacturing Estella to break Pip's heart.  In my opinion, Miss Havisham acted so childishly partly because she was brought up by a wealthy father who never denied her requests, and because she never had to work in order to be financially secure. She entertained herself by playing sadistic games with children, Pip and Estella.  As she explained to Pip, "I sometimes have sick fancies."(p59)  Miss Havisham was a rich eccentric who sat in her dark and dusty home, "in her once-white dress, all yellow and withered; the once white cloth all yellow and withered; everything around in a state to crumble under a touch."(p89) In my opinion, the absurdity of Miss Havisham's life is used as the framework that Dickens utilizes to satirize the upper class. I believe her lavish lifestyle and ridiculous character illustrate that despite all of the wealth and social education of the upper class, they are powerless and helpless, and unable to cope with the adverse life situations.

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        while the upper class that Dickens portrays is of garish, childish and lazy individuals, the middle class at that time wished to emanate the qualities of the upper class. Those of the middle class were always envious of the power and wealth of aristocrats, and tried to be accepted into this elite class by flattering those of upper class. The Pocket family is an example of those who flatter the upper class. Dickens the Pockets are seen mockingly when they make their yearly visits to Miss Havisham, falsely flattering her compliments of how well she looks. When the ...

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