This essay is aimed to distinguish between what Marx means by alienation in relation to productive activity and specie being, identify and use relevant concepts from Marx to analyse the attached reading A: maid to order, in the essay question booklet and

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   This essay is aimed to distinguish between what Marx means by alienation in relation to productive activity and specie being, identify and use relevant concepts from Marx to analyse the attached reading A: maid to order, in the essay question booklet and to analyse why Marx believed that social relation in modern society are mediated by things.

   (1) Marx explained that alienation is about the loss of human powers in the society and alienation separates human from his natural word, activities and makes man lose control over his labor activity.

   Marx alienation from productive activity emerged when human are barred by alienation from realizing their potentials and creativities, this was achieved under capitalism by division of labor which finally led to specialization in a specified or a fixed area of labor activity or task. Marx believes that alienation of human from productive activities is as a result of the expansion of division of labor and limits the worker from getting more of it potentials and self-existence.

   Marx explains that workers sell their labor to the employer or the capitalist for his satisfaction which in return pays the workers in wages for the labor which he fixed for the workers and not the choice of the worker, this alienates the worker from the natural social behavior and labor activity i.e. transformation of useful labor to abstract labor, the employer fixes your area of speciality, your job duties, and your wages and hours of work.        “According to Marx alienation of labor makes man not able to affirm himself but denies himself” (Morrison. K.1995).        Alienation from productive activity makes human lose control over the capacity of their labor to affirm their being and define their self existence i.e. human are barred and enstrangered from realizing labor activity alternatives and it’s full range of possibilities and abilities.

   Whereas Marx alienation from specie being can be explained thus, “in the 1884 manuscripts of man’s being reduced to the level of the animal and man’s alienation from his specie being under condition of capitalist production”(Anthony G. 1987). I.e. this shows the extent to which man has been separated, denied and progressively ejected from his normal biological characteristics as specie.

   Marx transformed human world to human nature and physical world to physical nature, simply suggest that we put ourselves into physical world in things we make them do i.e. we engage in reflective self conscious with our external world which makes us different from animals and separated man from socially generated characteristics, the relationship of man with his natural world made man achieve a lot and this achievement was gotten from a constant and progressive social development which alienated man from their specie being.

   Also Marx explained “man is regressing to the cave dwelling, but in an alienated malignant form, the savaged in his cave (a natural element which is freely offered for his use and protection) does not feel himself a stranger on contrary he feel as much as home as a fish in the water, but cellar dwelling of poor man is a hostile dwelling an alien, constructing powers which only surrenders itself to him in exchange for blood and sweat”(Anthony .G. 1987 pg 14). I.e. here Marx explains how man is detached from his natural specie-being as a human, Marx points out that it was natural for man to dwell in a cave which is the natural habitat and offers free protection and use, and not the alienated world where man will exchange blood and sweat to acquire a need or enjoy a service. .

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    (2) Marx explained that alienation from productive activity emerged from the laboring process and this is the inability of the workers to control their labor and self defining characteristics of labor activity labor is alienated under capitalism and workers faces division of labor which will lead to specialization in a fixed area of work or task by the capitalist or the employer, in the attached reading maid to order the 5th paragraph suggest alienation from productive activity, the narrator explained how the use of their own methods where criticized and not allowed but only the use of supervisory skill ...

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