To attain an in depth knowledge of cultural diversity and commonality within the Vietnamese society we must investigate gender and technology, its influence on decision-making and participation in society.

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To attain an in depth knowledge of cultural diversity and commonality within the Vietnamese society we must investigate gender and technology, its influence on decision-making and participation in society. This submission will focus mainly on the forms of communication in Vietnamese society focusing on; Individual status, communication, value system, family roles and values and acculturation.

Individual Status

In the Vietnamese culture, the individuals interest and destiny are rarely conceived outside the framework of his/her immediate and extended families.

Anything the Vietnamese does, she/he usually does out of family consideration rather than him/herself. The Vietnamese is not an individualist.

As an individual, the Vietnamese usually endeavors to live in harmony with himself as well as with the outer world of people and nature.

Harmony with oneself is achieved by the acceptance of life and the world.

To the Vietnamese, life is the most precious property to which no material possession can be compared.

The preservation of the self is not only a personal responsibility of the individual but also an individual’s responsibility towards his family. Harmony with oneself is achieved by observing moderation and by avoiding extremes.

Moderation and caution in speech constitute a distinctive feature of Vietnamese culture. Since childhood, the Vietnamese is taught to think deeply before opening their mouth only when asked to and to answer only when beckoned to. This attitude is partly prompted by the belief that wise and talented people are modest in action and speech. Bragging reflects an empty soul. Moderation and caution in speech are also motivated by the awareness of the danger or verbal excess which can bring about discord and animosity. It is commonly believed that hasty words and slips of tongue are as devastating as hasty actions and bad deeds.

Reserved, non-responsive and non assertive by Australian standards, this is particularly true with the behavior of Vietnamese children in school in which they rarely volunteer an answer for fear of being mistaken as trying to ‘show off’. They would rather wait until called upon by the teacher to give an answer, for since early childhood, they have been taught to talk only when talked to and answer only when asked to. This attitude is also motivated by the fear of  ‘losing face’, should the answer be a wrong one.

Certain virtues seem to have a greater appeal to the Vietnamese than others. Most prominent are moderation, modesty, moral probity and self-control, qualities which make them a ‘refined, well-mannered’ person. The term of criticism that the Vietnamese fears most is ‘ill bred’ which deals a mortal blow not only to his ego but also his sense of filial piety and the honour of his family.

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People tend to be reluctant to voice likes and dislike, except with close friends, as they feel this can lead to disagreement and tension, They often choose to remain silent rather than disagree with someone else’s opinion. If forced to give an opinion, they may agree with the speaker rather than expressing their own feeling or else give a vague, indirect answer. One way would be to suggest another possibility.

Between friends, it is possible to express opinions freely since it is expected that friends will share common views, like and dislikes are not often a topic ...

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