What was 'Pax Romana'?

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                                   A- Level History- Induction Exercise

Russell Cowie – Obedience or Choice, Chapter One: What is modern world?

What was ‘Pax Romana’?

        Pax Romana was the ruling of the law within the Roman Empire, Which formally provided security and stability amongst the Feudal System.

Describe the main features of the Feudal System.

        The feudal system is split into many sections. It starts with the King at the top who controlled decisions of the country and granted land to the Barons, offering wealth and power. The Barons then granted parts of this land to Knights, who were Lords of the Manor appointed by the King. These Knights then gave a service and paid their loyalties back. The Knights also granted small parts of this land to peasants and gave protection in return for money or services. This service the continued for land workers or serfs, however they did not receive land. The feudal system was also emphasized by the clergy, which granted authority recognising royal status. Each group were vassals to the overlord above.

Why was there no concept of individual freedom in the Feudal system?

        The reason for the lack of individual freedom in the feudal system was due to the fact that the King needed to establish a sense of law, order and control over his land. This was also to stop the peasants and serfs form gaining too much control.

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Why were the ‘middle ages’ so called?

        The time-span in which the feudal system operated was known as the middle ages. The term medieval correctly mediaeval is formed form two Latin words ‘Medius & Aevun’ (middle ages.) This time was known as the middle ages because it lies between the classical age of antiquity the period known as the renaissance or Revival of learning.


What does Cowie describe as ‘the greatest human achievement of the medieval period?

            According to Cowie, the greatest human achievement was the local monasteries, the stately ruins of ...

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