What were the individual and societal problems identified by the classical social theorists. How did they suggest they might be resolved?

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What were the individual and societal problems identified by the classical social theorists.

How did they suggest they might be resolved?


Abstract: In this essay I have tried to answer the question by analyzing the individual and societal problems identified by Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx, and the way they suggested to resolve these problems. I divided the essay by discussing each classical theorist’s ideas separately and then comparing them.

The beginning of the 19th century saw the very end of large land ownership. Workers were starting to have more freedoms then their ancestors who lived during the feudal period. During this period the serfs had to work for their landlords: part of what they produced had to be given to their lords. Very little could be sold by the farmers because there were no large scale markets. Before the turn of the century a very small part of the population in Europe had access to education: “It is said that in England, not more than 1 child in 15 possesses the means of being taught to read and write; in Wales, 1 in 20; in France, ... 1 in 35.” Children were educated by their parents and in most cases the male children took over his father’s work and females took care of the house and eventually their children. This was starting to change in the first decades of the 19th century, and this is probably what enabled the increasing freedoms amongst the lower classes. This period was experiencing the transition from feudalism to capitalism.

        Different theorists in the 1800s analyzed this change, amongst them the most well known to us today are Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. All of them described this change from traditional to modern society. In their ideas they took in consideration the individual and societal problems of the traditional society and proposed possible solutions to these problems. Both Durkheim and Marx emphasized mostly on the material factors that brought the change, instead Weber focused on the role of ideas in the social change. Marx also went further thinking how society could change after capitalism coming up with the idea of communism.

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        Durkheim came up with a major social problem in traditional societies that is, that these had little division of labor and that “everyone does essentially the same thing (gathering fruit and vegetables, hunting animals)”, he described this as ‘mechanical solidarity’. The individual problem with this system is that people are forced in their labor, usually children are forced to continue their parents’ job. In this way most people wouldn’t be able to express their talents. This solidarity brings a strong ‘collective conscience’ where an offence to one person could be an offence to the community. So this leads to ‘repressive ...

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