Why do we still see an increased rate in divorce?

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A wide range of data and developments are cited to demonstrate that the family is under stress and is even in danger of breaking up. However, it is important to note that many sociologists wholly or largely reject this thesis that the family is breaking up, and favour instead a different model of analysis and interpretation. The point of the debate is, is the family disappearing as a social institution or is it merely transforming into a social institution, which is characterized by diversity and choice. That is, is the family dying or is it responding to the changing circumstances of what may be termed postmodern society. Postmodernism is a condition in which society is composed of many heterogeneous ideas, values and practices that coexist within a general framework. It is possible to view the recent developments in family life as part of this general trend. There are many factors to be considered when we look at the changing family, one of the key issues related to family change and adaptation is divorce.
The number of divorces granted in France has jumped from 27,000 in 1961 to 191, in 1985; this should be compared with 3000 in 1921 and only 700 in 1911. However this information could be misleading on its own, factors such as the increasing population and popularity of marriage need to be considered. With the population increasing more people will be getting married, so therefore there will be more divorce these statistics do not give an accurate account in the divorce rate. To find an accurate rate of divorce we need to find out how many divorces there are per thousand marriages. In 1961 just over 2 persons divorced per thousand, in 1987 this figure rose to almost 12 per thousand.

When we look at divorce rates in these statistics we still see an increased rate in divorce. Recent studies show that one third of all marriages are likely to end in divorce.
As well as divorce, marital breakdown can also be separation, which refers to the physical separation of the spouses; they no longer share the same dwelling, and empty shell marriages, where the spouses live together, remain legally married, but their marriage exists in name only.
Personal considerations need to be taken into account when we look at why people divorce, and it is clearly significant that people today live much longer than their ancestors. Since 1851 average life expectancy in France for men has risen from 40 to 70 years and for women from 42 to 76 years. Marriages therefore can last much longer, and a significant number break up when children leave home and partners realise that they have nothing left in common. It is often forgotten that in earlier times many marriages were terminated by the early death of either of the partners. Economic independence and grater equality at work, improved birth control and smaller families, higher expectations of marital relationships, and the isolation of the nuclear family are all seen as factors, which have contributed to the rise in women seeking a divorce.
There is also a strong significant relationship between divorce and social class divorce rates are four times higher among working class couples than among professionals and highest of all among the unemployed.
Despite minor fluctuations, there was a steady rise in divorce rates in modern industrial societies throughout the twentieth century. Liberalisation of the laws concerning divorce can be seen as integral to the changing social and sexual mores of the time. This is demonstrated by a marked increase in the number of divorces, which has followed each liberalisation of the law. Before 1857, divorce was rare; it was expensive and only obtainable by private Act of Parliament. The 1857 Matrimonial Causes Act simplified the procedure and set up courts, which dealt specifically with matrimonial cases. Men could petition for divorce on the grounds of adultery, a ¡¥matrimonial offence¡¦, but women had to prove other offences such as cruelty or desertion. In 1937, grounds for divorce were extended to include insanity. Then again in 1949 another change was seen, the Legal Aid and Advice Act provided financial help, removing the obstacle to those who could not afford divorce. During the 1960¡¦s, it seems that public opinion was beginning to favour a relaxation of the divorce law, there were less social pressures to remain married and the stigma surrounding divorce began to slowly disappear.
  There was a dramatic increase in petitions for divorce in 1971 and this was due in part to the new divorce legislation. The Divorce Reform Act of 1969 (introduced in 1971), allowed couples to divorce after only two years of separation. Finally in 1985 the 1984 Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act became effective, this allowed couples to divorce after only one year of marriage. This increase did not simply represent a backlog of couples waiting to legally end an unsatisfactory marriage, since the number of petitions continued to rise during the subsequent years. Then again in 1984 the law changed again, allowing couples to get divorced after just one year of marriage, previously this had been three years.
There are now many key areas where it is possible for a growing proportion of women to have the same opportunities and to behave in the same way as men do, in education, employment and in marriage. Women are now better educated and are able to enter relatively well-paid occupations thus achieving a greater level of ¡¥financial independence¡¦. Working class women may not achieve the same degree of economic security, but the Social security system will at least provide a minimum of subsistence in this respect. Thus women are no longer constrained by the need to remain in an unhappy marriage because of the need to provide for herself and children. These steps towards equality have been accompanied by the granting of increased legal rights, in marriages as in other spheres. This argument, often referred to as the independence hypothesis, (Becker, Landes and Michael 1975), provides a plausible explanation for the rise in marital breakdown.
It can be argued that there has been a change in our explanations of what a marriage ought to provide. This can be summarized as a move from what can be called an ¡¥institutional¡¦ marriage to a ¡¥companionate¡¦ marriage. If the essence of marriage is seen as a personal relationship, and if it is no longer necessary to preserve the bond for economic reasons, fulfilment may be hard and therefore sought in a second union. It has been suggested that it was much easier to fulfil the demands of institutional marriage, these being largely economic, or entailing the provision of basic domestic services, than it is to meet the expectations of a companionate marriage based on intimacy, shared interests and friendship.

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In all these more subtle aspects of marriage we need more, we expect more, and we are more easily disappointed¡¦. ¡¥

Functionalists such as Talcott Parsons and Ronald Fletcher argue that the rise in marital breakdown stems largely from the fact that marriage is increasingly valued. People expect and demand more from marriage and consequently are more likely to end a relationship, which may have been acceptable in the past. Thus, Ronald Fletcher argues that ¡¥a relatively high divorce rate may be indicative not of a lower but of higher standards of marriage in society¡¦ (Fletcher).
The high rate of remarriage ...

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