Why is understanding human behaviour a problem for sociologists?

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Why is understanding human behaviour a problem for sociologists?

In order to answer this question I will have to look into what factors promote change in human behavior and what sociologists have to say about understanding human behavior.

What affects human behavior?  

First of all human behavior is affected by culture. When we think of the word Culture in ordinary daily conversation, we often see it as equivalent to ‘higher thing of the mind - arts, literature, music and painting. As sociologist use the term, it includes such activities, but far more. Culture refers to the way of life of the members of a society, or of groups within a society. It includes how they dress their marriage customs and family life, their patterns of work, religious ceremonies and leisure pursuits.

Second, humans are also affected by social interactions. This is the process by which we act and react in relation to those around us.

Third, human behaviour is also affected by one’s ‘Race’. Race can be understood as a set of social relationships which allow individuals and groups to be located and various attributes or competencies assigned, on the basis of biologically grounded features. In the early 19th century Count Joseph Arthur de Gabineau proposed the existence of 3 races, white, (Caucasian), black, (Negroid) and yellow, (Mongoloid). According to de Gabineau, the white race was far superior than black and yellow; these ideas influenced the formation of groups such as the Nazi party lead by Adolf Hitler, and other white supremacist groups such as the Ku-Klux-Klan in the United States, these movements up to date affect how we behave towards society.

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Forth, religion affects how one behaves within society; Sociological approaches to religion are still strongly influenced by the three classical sociological theorists: Marx, Durkheim, and Weber.  None of the three was himself religious, and all thought that the significance of religion would decrease in modern times. Each believed that religion is a fundamental sense of illusion, for example, an individual born in to an Australian society of hunters and gatherers would plainly have different religious beliefs from someone born into the caste system of India or the catholic church of medieval Europe.

Fifth, Politics also has a huge ...

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