With reference to female sexuality, evaluate to which a Foucauldian analysis enables a full discussion and analysis.

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With reference to female sexuality, evaluate to which a Foucauldian analysis enables a full discussion and analysis.

Sociologists are mostly concerned with the formation of knowledge about the treatment of disease, rather than the illness itself. They focus on how different states of health are caused by interactions within society between a variety of different groups, for example, class, gender and/or ethnicity. Sociologists suggest that disease is understood, treated and experienced differently within each of these sub-groups of society because it is a product of social organisation rather than nature. Knowledge of health and illness is created in a political, social and cultural environment, and as with much social phenomenon, is both culturally and historically specific (White 2002).

“in contemporary western societies it is common place for the versions of natural events provided by science to be given greater credence than those offered by religion, magic or superstition. However, this has certainly not always been the case, and is not true of all cultures in the world” (Burr 2001 p63)

Sociologists tend to reject the medical model that disease is a biological event but examine the social function of health and illness. These more medical explanations tend to ignore the shaping and distribution of not just the origins of disease but of varying health services too. There are many theories, which try to understand and explain health and illness, to explain why some people become ill, and not others. They all search outside the body, the body are the sites of the illness but the illness itself is caused by external factors. Much Western medicine merely treats physical symptoms as opposed to more holistic treatments, which treat the person as a whole, linking the relationship between the social, mental, emotional and physical. Sociological perspectives give very different accounts of the role of medical knowledge and of the social causes of disease.  Marxists place emphasis on the causal role of a conflictual and exploitative industrial capitalist society, which prioritises profit ahead of health. Parsonian theory on the other hand explains that disease is vital in maintaining social harmony, providing a stable set of interlinked social roles and structures.

Foucault also highlights the social role of medical knowledge in social control, however places more emphasis on the power relationships within contemporary society. For Foucault modern society can be understood as a system of organised surveillance, with individuals conducting their own surveillance because they internalised professional models of what is deemed as acceptable ‘normal’ behaviour (White 2002). Foucauldians go on to demonstrate that this modern society has become an administered society in which professional groups are able, and in fact encouraged, to define categories of people – the sick, insane, criminal, deviant. Foucault points out that most of us have internalised these norms of behaviour and therefore rarely require the services of the professionals.  His theory of power emphasises our willingness to comply with societal norms the majority of the time, power is not the property of any one group, as Marxists would suggest and can permeate every aspect of society. More controversially Foucault believed that power does not need to be perceived as repressive, however, acknowledging that when there is power there is inevitably resistance.

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Another aspect to Foucault’s work was his interest in describing and accounting for normality and abnormality, and the varying definitions over time and place. He suggested that only by recognising abnormality is it then possible to identify normality rather than vice versa. There are no clear boundaries between the abnormal and normal, we must then study the abnormal in order for their observer to provide society with the relevant discourse, for example, in a patient and doctor scenario.


The most important concept to Foucault’s work is his theory of discourse, he suggests that discourse is more than just ...

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