Without the increased membership and activity religious sects, it would be impossible to argue against the claim that we now live in a fundamentally secular society - Evaluate this statement

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Secularisation essay

Without the increased membership and activity religious sects, it would be impossible to argue against the claim that we now live in a fundamentally secular society

Evaluate this statement.

One of the major disputes in the sociology of religion concerns how important religion continues to be in an age of industrial and scientific progress. This debate is interesting not

only for its religious importance, but also for the methodological issues that it raises.

The word ‘secular’ means ‘worldly, not sacred, temporal, profane’. The process of decline, the social significance of religious thinking, practice and institutions is called secularisation.

On the one hand, there are those who suggest that religion has gone through a massive decline, from a ‘Golden Age of Religiosity’- A time presumed to have existed in the past when members of society were more religious than they are today. Some believe this time to be a myth,  to a situation where religion has a limited and often formal importance in those societies. For example, Weber argues that science and rationality would gradually erode religious influence. This decline is most spectacularly seen in the decline in the numbers attending religious services over the past century. Nevertheless, the formal acknowledgement of religion continues in the way that individuals use the Churches for baptisms, marriages and funerals, without seeing regular attendance as a necessary accompaniment to them. But, even these ‘rites of passage’ are no longer celebrated in church as much as they were in the past. Disengagement this argues there has been a decline in power, control, prestige and influence of the institutionalised church in contemporary society. This is an idea which is supported by Wilson who believes that the church has lost its functions and the church is now limited to the concerns of spiritual and rights of passage.

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On the other hand are those who argue that the evidence is not as clear-cut as secularisation theorists maintain, for example Glock and Stark. Different industrial societies show different trends, with the US showing continued high levels of church attendance. Even when attendance has declined, religious belief continues to be strong as shown by many social surveys. Rather than seeing religion as declining, these sociologists argue that religion is adapting to meet the changing social circumstances of industrializing countries. As traditional methods of worship no longer meet the needs of individuals in the industrialized West, new forms of worship ...

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