Youth is just a biological stage" evaluate this claim

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“Youth is just a biological stage- evaluate this claim”

Youth is a period that is between childhood and adulthood. It is a term that people define in different ways and also apply to different age groups and many people argue that youth is a biological stage due to the changes going on in a child’s body and mind during puberty. However, many argue that youth is social constructed, due to influences on children such as the media and peer pressure from their friends.

Youth can be defined as a biological stage for many reasons. One of the reasons is that biologically all youth go through hormonal changes at puberty. During this time young people will experience changes in their behaviour, tending to have mood swings and sometimes having lots of different emotions going through their minds. Whether they have the influence of others or not their attitudes towards different things will change and they will start to see things in different ways as they get older. Many teenagers will also go through times of being unsure about themselves, questioning things about their looks and appearance and might be irritable about themselves. All these things tend to happen no matter their influences.

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However, youth is not just a biological stage and although children grow physically their minds also, nowadays it appears that youth may be more related to ‘transition’ and change. Transition basically means a period of change from one stage to the next and it can be defined differently in different cultures. Many cultures have special ceremonies to recognize these significant times, often known as ‘rites of passage’. Some examples of ‘rites of passage’ include Jewish boys and girls having a bar mitzvah at the age of 12 or 13, during this time they will learn more about their religion and ...

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An excellent piece of work arguing effectively that ?youth? is not just determined biologically. The examples given against this argument were very good due to their relevance and the fact they evidence the writer?s wide knowledge of this area. There was just one area if confusion, regarding the statement that ?youth? can apply to different age groups. The writer needs to add a little more detail to this to make the intended meaning clear. Other than that, I thought this was a well-written and well thought out essay. 5/5