Before my work experience I thought that working in a nursery would not be particularly enjoyable.

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James Noton 11G


        Before my work experience I thought that working in a nursery would not be particularly enjoyable. I felt slightly apprehensive, as I had never done anything similar before. I envisaged doing a significant amount of work and thought I would be stuck there sweeping up amongst the boisterous pre-school children.

        As I was approaching the nursery at first I thought I had come to the wrong place; the building looked like a run-down Victorian piece of architecture. A striking scarlet door stood at the top of the steps and vivid stained-glass windows covered the nursery walls. As I got closer, however, I soon heard shouting and bawling which confirmed my beliefs and reassured me to some extent. I walked up to the door to ring the doorbell. A plump fair-haired lady appeared before long and introduced me to the environment that I would be working in. I immediately found that some things were how I expected them to be: an annoying whine ran through my ears and a musty stench infested my nose. The place was somewhat petite and markedly warm.

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        In due course I was asked to do odd jobs that I found hard to get excited about. For example I was sometimes told to stick the children’s artwork in their scrapbooks or on the walls to create displays. I also had the chance to use a computer to word process name labels.  

        One of the reasons why I chose to go to the nursery was because it was so close to home. I departed from my house at 8:58 and arrived bang on 9:00. While I was at the nursery I enjoyed impressing my supervisor with my I.T ...

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