Abortion in the USA

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Carrie Bowen

Mrs. Geranen-Comp 1

18 October 2011

Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay- Abortion

        Abortion is a growing argument among Americans. While Pro-Choice advocates believe it is a women’s choice, Pro-Life believe it is murder to abort a child. It is estimated that in Arkansas alone in 2010, 4532 babies were legally aborted. While the number has decreased throughout the years I believe it is still too high.

        Abortions can be traced back as far as the early American Colonies but were not legalized till 1973. Since 1973, it is estimated 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States; therefore many regulations have been put on abortion. For instance, Arkansas requires that woman have counseling, but does not require an ultrasound or wait period for abortions, like Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wisconsin. Under Medicaid, funds for most medically necessary abortions in Arkansas must be court ordered, and minors have to have Parent Consent but a judge can bypass this. Exceptions to this are a minor having a medical emergency or abuse, assault, incest or neglect.  An abortion in the state of Arkansas can be done up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, reasoning being that at 25 weeks the fetus becomes “viable”. While all of the laws passed helping regulate abortion has helped the situation, it is still a heated debate topic in the United States.

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        Abortion is all over the world but alone in the United States there has been a reported 50 million since 1973, and it is estimated that 3,322 abortions are performed daily. Abortion affects the mothers of the aborted baby, the family of that mother, and families all around the United States that want children and can’t have them. The mothers are faced with the guilt of what they have done and, even with counseling, still often go into depression. The families of the mother who chose abortion are often unaware of the abortion until after the fact and have to ...

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