An investigation of the effect enzyme concentration has on the rate of catalase activity

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An investigation of the effect enzyme concentration has on the rate of catalase activity


        This lab contains the use of a catalase which is an enzyme found in liver. The substrate used in this experiment is hydrogen peroxide. Enzymes are very sensitive organic molecules. They speed up chemical reactions. A high temperature, or change in pH could cause damage to an enzyme or affect its motion.

        In this lab the enzyme concentration is increased to see its effect on the rate of catalase activity. The enzyme concentration is increased by increasing the number of discs which contain liver on them. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with the catalase which causes it to decompose. The products which are formed from the decomposition reaction are water and oxygen gas. The volume of oxygen gas produced is observed in this experiment.


How does the rate of catalase activity change over a period of time? Does the amount of catalase present influence how much enzyme activity changes over time?


        I think that an increase in the amount of enzyme present will influence the catalase activity because there is an increase in the chance of collision between particles which would cause more energy to be released, therefore, creating more oxygen gas bubbles. I think that the rate of catalase activity will decrease over time because after a certain point the amounts of enzymes present no longer influence the rate of reaction since there is no more substrate available.


Refer to Handout.


Refer to Handout.


Independent Variable:

Amount of Catalase

Dependent Variable:

Volume of oxygen gas produced

Controlled Variables:

        The numbers of discs are controlled to enable the noting of difference in volume of oxygen gas produced.

        The amount of hydrogen peroxide, the substrate is controlled to be 10.0mL so that the effect of substrate concentration is not recorded as changing the rate of reaction.

        The difference in the intervals recorded for time is consistent because it makes it easier and more distinct to see if there is a pattern in the volumes recorded.

        The amount of water in the graduated cylinder is always filled to the top because if it wasn’t filled then the volume recorded may not be as a result of the oxygen bubbles but as a result of a partially empty graduated cylinder.

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Raw Data Tables

The table shows the volumes recorded of oxygen gas produced from the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with one disc of beef liver

The table shows the volumes recorded of oxygen gas produced from the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with three discs of beef liver

The table shows the volumes recorded of oxygen gas produced from the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with five discs of beef liver

The uncertainty for time is the average recorded reaction time for humans (

Qualitative Observations

        When the reaction took place the reaction ...

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