Beet Lab. Aim: To determine the effects of temperature on the permeability of the beetroot cell membrane.

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Biology HL

Lab Report

Beet Lab

Data Collection, Processing, Presentation

Conclusion & Evaluation

-Rashika Singh

IB Yr 1

Aim: To determine the effects of temperature on the permeability of the beetroot cell membrane.

Research Question: To investigate how different temperatures affect the beetroot pigment and finding out the absorbance and transmittance % using a visible spectrophotometer.

Background Information: Beetroots contain betalains which are the red pigments present in the cell vacuole. Betalains are soluble in water and they contain nitrogen. Betalains extracted from beetroot is commonly used as food dye because it is not known to cause any allergic reactions.

Cell membrane is the barrier that separates the inner environment of the cell from the outer environment. The membrane is selectively permeable. The cell membrane is made up of mainly lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. The lipids are the phospholipid bilayer which consists of a hydrophilic polar head and a hydrophobic tail. Among the proteins present in the cell membranes are integral proteins and peripheral proteins. {1}

Lipids increase in fluidity as temperature increases. Once denatured, proteins start to unravel and are unable to carry out their function. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from high concentration to a low concentration down a concentration gradient. Facilitated diffusion and active transport requires assistance from proteins imbedded in the cell membrane to transport substances in and out of the cell. Any damage to the cell membrane will cause the cytoplasm to leak out of the cell. Energy for the movement of molecules comes from the kinetic energy of molecules. Cell membranes are composed of phospholipids and proteins, which contribute to the selectively permeable nature of the membrane. Small, uncharged molecules can diffuse across the membrane, while certain other substances must be transported across the membrane by proteins. Since the membrane is impervious to some substances except through channel proteins, important solutes can be retained. Beet cells, which are plant cells, contain a water-soluble pigment called betacyanin that is stored in the vacuole. {2}

A spectrophotometer can measure the absorbance of a solution. As more betacyanin leaks out into the extracellular luid, the solution will absorb more light. Since the spectrophotometer reading is proportional to the leakage of pigments from the beet cells, the absorbance of the solution can be used to evaluate the level of permeability of the membrane in beet cells. Students will be expected to incorporate the use of the spectrophotometer into their experimental design to measure the intensity of color in the surrounding environment.  The intensity of color should be proportional to the amount of damage sustained by the beet cell membrane. {3}

With increasing temperature, the structural integrity of the cellular membrane is compromised because the proteins that make up the plasma membrane are denatured and lose their shape. Secondly, the effects of temperature extremes like extreme cold and heat were tested on the permeability of the beet root membrane.

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It has to do with the fluidity of the membrane. If the temperature is warmer, the membrane will be more fluid and so more permeable (also a reason why bacteria can be killed by high heat, the membrane gets TOO fluid and ruptures). The lower the temperature, the less fluid the membrane becomes and so the less permeable the membrane is. Other things, such as saturated or unsaturated fatty acids in the lipid membrane part also affect fluidity. Beetroot tissue will be used as the model to investigate the types of environmental stresses that affect membrane integrity. {4}






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