Biology: Lab report Germination

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Biology Lab Report

Seed Germination

By: John Abarshi

(Figure One: Cress Seed Germination)


This term, we embarked upon our first biology experiment. Recently, in class, we have been learning about plant reproduction. Amongst the vast amount of information pertaining to the topic of plant reproduction is germination. Germination is the process of sprouting, whereby seeds or spores sprout or emerge and begin to grow. [1] [2] When a seed is germinating, certain factors affect its germination. It was our task to come up with two variables that could influence seed germination and to investigate this. After much contemplation and consideration, I managed to pinprick what factors I would like to investigate. I will thus investigate if altering the light and temperature of the cress seeds' environment will affect the germination.

Research Question

How do light and temperature affect the germination of a cress seed?


If cress seeds are placed in a dark environment, then their germination will be negatively affected compared to cress seeds grown in a normal light environment because seeds

If cress seeds are placed in an environment with excessive exposure to light, then their germination will be positively affected compared to cress seeds grown in a normal light environment because seeds

If cress seeds are placed in a cold environment, then their germination will be negatively affected compared to cress seeds grown in a normal light environment because seeds

If cress seeds are placed in a hot environment, then their germination will be positively affected compared to cress seeds grown in a normal light environment because seeds


The independent variables in this experiment were the light and the temperature. We put some of the cress seeds under a bright light and others in a dark cupboard. As for the temperature, we put some cress seeds in a stove and others in a fridge.

The dependent variable in this experiment is the germination. The speed and general process will differ depending on the independent variables.

The controlled variables were the type of seeds and the water. Different seeds obviously germinate at different paces and watering the seeds with different liquids may affect the germination, so to ensure a fair test I want to keep the type of seeds the same.
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Safety Equipment


Measuring Cylinder


Safety Coat


Petri dish x6

Cress seeds x180


Cotton wool



Labels x6


. Prepare the area where you will be carrying out your experiment. This entails collecting all the necessary materials and ensuring that you are wearing the adequate safety equipment. Do not forget to label each of the Petri dishes so as not to get confused later.

2. Cover the bottom ...

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A sound effort into the variables affecting seed germination. In an investigation it is normal to choose one independent variable and focus on this. However, both experiments were examined separately quite well. The introduction would have benefited from giving some more detail into the science behind seed germination. For example how the seeds have evolved to not germinate when it is cold as this is the winter months when there is less sunlight to photosynthesise from. The graphs showed the trends in the data very well and linked in well with the analysis and conclusion.