Design for cress seed investigation

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 Plant growth is affected by various factors. This can be seen best in young plants, as the growth rate is highest. One of these factors is the amount of light these plants are exposed to, the degree of this will be researched during this experiment.

Research question:

 How does the amount of light cress-seeds and young cress-plants are exposed to affect the growth speed?


  • Independent
  • The amount of light the (germinated) cress seeds are exposed to.
  • Dependent
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  • The length of the cress seeds
  • Controlled
  • Nutrients in soil
  • The same soil will be used for all different trials, practically the nutrients will decrease faster in the faster growing cress-seeds, however the amount of nutrients should be more than enough due to the relatively low amount of cress seeds (1 cress seed per 17 grams of soil)
  • pH of soil
  • The same soil will be used for all different trials
  • Water
  • By using a water spray you can ensure that the water is distributed evenly over all cress seeds, the cress seeds ...

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