Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

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Differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells;

  • Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus which is bound by a double membrane whereas a Prokaryotic cell does not have a nucleus. The purpose of a nucleus is to keep all materials within the cell close together and therefore, the materials in a Prokaryotic cell are close to each other anyway. Furthermore, Prokaryotic cells don’t make DNA while Eukaryotic cells do.

  • Eukaryotic cells have ends and are called linear whereas Prokaryotic cells have no ends and are therefore called circular.

  • Eukaryotic DNA contains a protein called histones and is organized into chromosomes while Prokaryotic cells don’t have histones and therefore aren’t organized into chromosomes.

  • Ribosomes in a Eukaryotic cell are larger and way more complex than those in a Prokaryotic cell.

  • A Eukaryotic is composed out of 5 different ribosomes while a Prokaryotic is only composed of 3 different ribosomes.
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  • There is more space within a Eukaryotic cell than there is within a Prokaryotic cell.

  • A cytoplasm in a Eukaryotic cell is filled with large and complex organelles, many of which are enclosed in their own membranes. A Prokaryotic cell contains no membrane bound organelles.

  • Eukaryotic cells are larger than Prokaryotic cells by 10 times.

  • Eukaryotic cells either have a plasma membrane or a cell along with the plasma membrane while prokaryotic cells have a plasma membrane in addition to a bacterial cell wall.

  • Prokaryotic cells are always unicellular while Eukaryotic cells may have a ...

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