Heart Dissection questions and answers.

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Healthcare CEIP

Please fill out the flowing worksheet based on what you learned in the heart Dissection Activity that was held on February 23, 2010.

Names: Juliana Recino

Date: 3/1/10

  1. The heart is an organ of the body system.

The heart is an organ of the cardiovascular system.

  1. What is the muscular layer of the heart called?

The myocardium is the muscular layer of the heart.

  1. What is the name of the sac surrounding the heart?

The name of the sac surrounding the heart is the pericardium.

  1. What type of tissue comprises the bulk of the myocardium?

The type of tissue comprised by the bulk of the myocardium is the cardiac muscle.

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  1. What is the function of the heart?

The function of the heart is to pump the blood. It sends the blood to other parts of the body, and the lungs, where the red blood cells are filled with oxygen again. Without the heart, the blood would not move throughout the body, and there would be no circulatory system.

  1. What is the function of an artery?

The function of the artery is to carry blood away from the heart. Most arteries carry oxygenated (oxygen-rich) blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

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