How pH effects enzyme Catalase in potato cells

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How pH effects enzyme Catalase in potato cells

Isabella Carter

Background knowledge: Catalase is a heme containing redox enzyme It breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, it is also the fastest enzyme known.

In this experiment, I am going to investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction by catalase in potato cells. This will be done by timing how long it takes the process to produce the same amount of product (oxygen and water) at different levels of pH.

My Hypothesis is the rate of reaction will increase rapidly until it’s optimum point, and start decreasing ; my null hypothesis is  that there is no optimum point and the rate of reaction will remain constant throughout the experiment.

The reason for me to predict this is because I know all enzymes rate of reaction reaches its optimum at around pH7, because changes in pH can make and break intra- and intermolecular bonds, changing the shape of the enzyme and, therefore, its effectiveness.

To ensure I collect a set of valid data to base studies and results on, I must prevent the influence of irrelevant factors on my experiment. This will be done by identifying them though the knowledge we already have on enzymes and keeping them constant throughout the experiment.

 Factors that influence the catalytic activity of enzymes and how to control them:  

  1. Temperature is known to have the most influence on catalytic activities. As temperature rises, more energy is transferred to the molecules, giving them more kinetic energy, increasing the chance of successful collision, and so influencing the rate. However, too high temperature can cause too much energy and the molecules will be damaged by the vibration. To prevent this factor influencing the data, the experiment will be taken in the same environment (biology laboratory). Due to the limited time and equipment, this factor cannot be entirely controlled, so I do expect there to be slight differences in temperature at different times of experimentation. Therefore I am going to put up a thermometer near the experiment and note down the temperature. This information could be useful to explain if there is to be anomalous data caused by this factor.
  2. Concentration of enzyme and substrate is also a factor that can influence the rate of reaction. As the ratio of substrate to enzyme increases, the rate of reaction will increase up to a point of saturation and remain constant. If it is the ratio of enzyme to substrate increasing, the rate of reaction will increase as well. The exact concentration of enzyme and substrate does not need to be known as long as it is the same amount of each sample in every individual experiment.
  3. As the enzyme sample is from Potato cells, and there is a substantial amount of material needed during a period of time, I must take the freshness of sample in to consideration. If the potato cells are exposed in the air for too long, oxidation occurs on the surface of the potato and damages the enzymes that will affect the rate of my experiment. Since it is not convenient for me to cut the potato cell sample just before each experiment, nor is it practical for me to keep the potato in water because of the influence the water pH cannot be measured to comprehend with its influence on the data. The only way to minimise this impact on the data is to keep the cut potato sample in a moist environment, not exposed in the air for too long, such as under a damp cloth at room temperature.
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The experiment data will be taken 3 times at the pH levels 3-9. The data to be recorded is  the time it takes to produce (oxygen and water) to rise the ink in the U-shaped tube 5cm.


Beaker (20mlx3)-to measure and contain the solution

Syringe (10ml) x8

21+Test tubes-for experimentation

U-shaped tube

Coloured ink

Metal stand and grips

Pen markers-to mark the test tubes

Stop watch

pH buffer 3-9        

hydrogen peroxide (vol 10)

tube rack


razor blade

ceramic white tile

goggles- some of the pH solution are ...

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