Is there a positive correlation between the height and hand span of 16 year old first year high school students?

Human beings are different in many ways. The variation can be seen in physical traits such as strength, height, weight, skin color etc or in mental traits such as IQ. Therefore it is possible to measure these different characteristics and compare them with each other or relate them to one another. The aim of this experiment is to test the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the length of the hand span and height of a person. For this purpose the hand span and height of the first year high school students will be used. Hand span is the distance that is measured from the tip of the little finger to the thumb as seen in the picture below.

                                        Picture 1.


Hypothesis: - There is a positive correlation between the length of a person’s hand span and height.

Materials: - Ruler, measuring meter, notebook, pen

Independent variable: - hand span

Dependent variable: - height

Controlled variables: - age, gender, measurements, sampling


  1. A first year student of age 16 was chosen in katedralskolan high school.
  2. Using a ruler the hand span of the student was measured from the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb. The result was recorded.                                        
  3. The height of the student was then measured by asking the student to stand against a wall and marking the height with a pen.
  4. Step 2-3 was repeated in a total of 26 male and 26 female first year students resulting in a total of 52 samples.

Method for controlling variables.

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  1. The age of all of the students was 16.
  2. Equal number of male and female students was tested.
  3. The students were selected randomly.
  4. Always the hand span of the left hand was measured. The height of all of the students was measured after they had taken their shoes off.

Results: -

Table 1. The height and hand span of 16 year old male students presented in increasing order of hand span


Table 1. The height ...

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