Investigation Of Factors That Affect Carbon Dioxide Production In Yeast

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Factors that Influence Gas Production in Yeast

Research Questions:

  • What is the optimal temperature for yeast to metabolize sugars?
  • What is the sugar that is most readily metabolized by yeast? Are there any sugars that yeast cannot metabolize?
  • What is the optimal concentration of sugar (in 60 mL of water) for yeast?


        The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by yeast in various conditions (independent variables: temperature, sugar type, and sucrose concentration) was recorded and is shown in the table below. The table also contains the processed data of the average amount of CO2 produced by yeast under different conditions and the standard deviations for those sets of data.

*  Data Point is not included in the calculation of the Mean and Standard Deviation.

(See Evaluation for detail)

  • Processed Data (Mean and Standard Deviation) are highlighted in purple.
  • Some data points were recorded only to the first decimal place (color-coded in brown) depeding on the executing groups.

Data Processing:

  • Mean is calculated by dividing the sum of all the data points by the number of data points.
  • Standard Deviation (S.D.) is calculated by using the formula STDEV in Excel.


Figure 1: **

**Note for Figure 1:

Through the observation of the error bars of Fructose and Sucrose bar graphs, it is difficult to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of these two sets of data. Therefore, a two-tailed t-test was conducted by using the formula TTEST in Excel . Since the p-value is equal to 0.003, it indicates that there is a lower than 0.05 probability (5% chance) that the two sets of data are from the same population. As a result, it can be concluded that the two sets of data are significantly different.  

Figure 2:

Figure 3:


The immediate conclusions that can be drawn from the results in accordance to the collective data are that the optimal temperature for yeast to metabolize sugars is in the range between 40.00C and 50.00C (Figure 2), fructose is the type of sugar that is most readily metabolized by yeast (Fig. 1), and the optimal concentration of sugar (sucrose, in 60 mL of water) for yeast is indeterminable though it is clearly shown that sugar is necessary for yeast to undergo mentabolism (Fig. 3).

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The Type of Sugar factor

        The results shown in Figure 1 indicate that yeast most readily metabolize fructose. A two-tailed t-test was conducted the ensure that there is a significant difference between the two sets of data (Fructose and Sucrose). The result of the t-test shows that the two sets of data are significantly different (more detail in Note for Figure 1/Page 3). A conclusion can be drawn that fructose is the type of sugar that yeast metabolize best. There is also a significant different between the lactose set of data and any of the other sets of data. ...

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