TITTLE: Nutrition- Four days of my diet

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this laboratory is to study Nutrition and determine if my regular Diet is on the ideal nutrition needs for myself.


Nutrition is a science that studies the relationship between diet and health.

Diet is the total food taken in by an individual and nutrients are substances needed in the diet of an organism.

The human body is the most complex organism there is and is composed by several other organisms. Both are in constant recycling movement of their cells. These cells are in constant recycling so that in one day millions of them are reproduced so that the older ones can be put away through personal necessities. In our organisms there are also several chemical reactions between carbohydrates, fats and etc. But for these chemical reactions to happen and these constant cells renovations there must be energy for it, the body needs a lot of energy, through oxygen and carbohydrates, matter to constitute the cells, through proteins and some additional substances, and again some other substances which facilitate the chemical reactions from the vitamins and minerals. And all of these essential things are found while our alimentation and respiration.

Our alimentation is basically based on three different groups of food, and these three groups compose the right/perfect diet. The first one is the energetic, which is made from carbohydrates and fats. The second one is the constructor, which is the proteins and the last one is the regulator, which are the vitamins and minerals.

Macroninutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, which are needed in bulk.

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, which are only needed a small quantities.

Fibre and water are not digested but are also necessary for a healthy diet.

Carbohydrates (present in a variety of foods) – starches and sugars that are souces of energy and also building blocks for larger molecules.

Protein (good sources are meat and fish)– used mainly for growth and for the repair of damaged tissue.

Lipids (fats are present in fatty meat, milk; oils are present in olive oil, fish etc.) – fats and oils that are an energy source that the body can store for long term usage.

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Minerals (Calcium can be obtained from milk; phosporus from sea foods and milk; potassium from vegetables; sodium from a variety of foods because it is artificially added etc)– inorganic elements and compounds such as iron that are needed in the synthesis of important compounds such as haemoglobin.

Vitamins (A can be obtained from fish, oil, milk; D fromfish oil and dairy products; E from green vegetables; K also from green vegetables; B1 from liver, kidney; B2 from yeast extract and dairy products; B3 from meat, wholemeal flour; B5 and B6 are present in a variety of foods; B12 from meat ...

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