A pedigree chart shows a record of the family of an individual. It can be used to study the transmission of a hereditary condition. It is particularly useful when there are large families and a good family record over several generations.

A pedigree chart is a chart which tells one all of the known  for an  and its , most commonly humans. The word pedigree is a corruption of the French "pied de gru" or crane's foot, because the typical lines and split lines (each split leading to different offspring of the one parent line) resemble the thin leg and foot of a .

In a pedigree chart, generations are identified by Roman numerals (I, II, III…). Individuals in each generation are identified by Arabic numerals numbered from the left (1, 2, 3…).

TABLE 1: The gene controlled character observed in father’s family:

TABLE 2: The gene controlled character observed in mother’s family:

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After collecting the required data, we need interpret whether the pedigree chart of my family with the single controlled gene character of rolling the tongue is autosomal or X-linked.

If the disorder is X-linked most of the males will have the disorder because the Y-chromosome cannot mask the affects of an affected X-chromosome.  A female can have the disorder, but it would be a very low percentage.  For a female to be affected, she would have had to receive an affected gene from the mother and the father.  This means that the father would have the disorder and ...

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