
Human Height

Polygenic traits are not expressed as absolute or distinct characters as was the case with Mendel's pea plant traits. Instead, polygenic traits are recognizable by their expression as a continuous variation. Height in humans is a polygenic trait. If you line up the entire class a range of variation is apparent, with an average height at the high point in the middle. Traits showing continuous variation are usually controlled by the additive effects of two or more separate gene pairs. This is what gives polygenic traits so many alleles and, therefore, so many genotypes. Usually polygenic traits are distinguished by traits usually quantified by measurement rather than counting, two or more gene pairs contributing to the phenotype, or phenotypic expression of polygenic traits varying over a wide range.

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Human Ear Lobes

No human looks exactly like any other human, not even identical twins. The basis for the similarity and the reasons for the diversity that is in all species have puzzled people for thousands of years. Several human traits may be used to demonstrate the individuality in humans. Ear lobes are controlled by a single gene with two alleles; each allele producing a distinct phenotype. Alleles are variants of the same gene. All can be used to demonstrate Mendel's Law of Segregation.


Human Height

        If polygenic traits provide a phenotypic variance and phenotypic ...

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