Radioactive Lab


100 Pennies

10 Pennies, 1 Minute





  Radiometric dating attempts to use the constant decay of radioactive substances as a way to measure the age of rocks and minerals. Scientists attempt to deduce time for events in the past, using the presently determined rate of disintegration of unstable forms of atoms. The techniques are varied and complex. The methods involve a number of assumptions with varying degrees of certainty. The most common dating methods are radiocarbon (often called carbon-14), used for dating materials of biological origin. Half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay. How accurate is radiometric dating? I don’t believe it is that accurate and it is unreliable. The interpretation of these ratios, in terms of age, depends upon theories.  Theories are just assumptions that are not necessarily true or valid.

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    The nuclear decay process seems to be random yet predictable. The shaking of the cup is random and which pennies come up heads is also random. What can be predicted is the amount of pennies that will decay. For each trial the amount of decayed pennies should decrease by half. The experiment achieved the radioactive decay curve. The amount of pennies that decayed weren’t exactly half, but it was close enough to see the curve and make the theory valid. From comparing my data with other teams in the room the results were very similar. I performed a ...

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