The aim of the experiment: To investigate the effect of different glucose concentrations on the rate of fermentation.

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The aim of the experiment: To investigate the effect of different glucose concentrations on the rate of fermentation.

Research question:How does changing the concentration of the glucose solutions will affect the rate of fermentation.

Background Information:

There are various factors that affect the rate of fermentation.

 These are;

“Fermentation time
This factor determines the amount of time yeast gets to act on the sugars present in the ferment, whether it be a sponge, brew, or a straight-dough. While the rate of fermentation declines with time at a constant temperature, it does not completely stop. However, the longer the fermentation time, the higher the degree of fermentation.

Fermentation temperature
Like any other living cell, the various enzymatic activities of the yeast cell are closely tied to the temperature of the environment. Therefore, higher ferment temperatures increase yeast activity, and vice-versa. Published literature indicates that within the range of temperatures in which yeast is operative, every one degree rise in temperature increases the rate of yeast fermentation by 3-5%.

Level of water:
Generally, stiffer dough take longer to ferment as compared to slacker ones. With additional water, the soluble solids are diluted and the osmotic pressure on the yeast cells is reduced. This causes an increase in yeast activity and the overall rate of fermentation.

Level of sugar and salt:
It is well known that yeast fermentation is retarded in the presence of high concentrations of sugar and salt. This inhibitory effect is related to the high osmotic pressure gradient created outside of the yeast cells due to high concentrations of sugar and/or salt .But in presence of appropriate sugar concentrations rate of fermentation will increase , but it will eventually stop.”(1)

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Ethanol fermentation

 (performed by  and some types of ) breaks the pyruvate down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. It is important in -making, , and -making. Usually only one of the products is desired; in bread-making, the alcohol is baked out, and, in alcohol production, the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere or used for carbonating the beverage. When the ferment has a high concentration of , minute quantities of  can be produced.

The  below summarizes the fermentation of , whose  is C6H12O6. One glucose molecule is converted into two  molecules and two ...

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