The effect of temperature on membrane stability

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The effect of temperature on membrane stability


The purpose of a cell membrane is to control the transport of substances moving in and out of a cell. The membrane is an extremely thin layer, which is partially permeable.

My hypothesis of the effect of temperature on membrane stability is the higher the temperature is, the more unstable the membrane becomes.

In the experiment, we will use beetroot as our membrane sample. Beetroot cells contain colour pigments, so will be easy to show when its membrane breaks down as the colour goes darker. We will use water to increase the temperature of the beet root and to collect the substance when the membrane breaks down. Then the colorimeter will measure the colour intensity to show how much the beetroot membrane has broken down.

To ensure the results are accurate and correct to base my study upon, I must make sure of the other factors that can potentially influence the data are known and controlled. The controlled variables are:

The size of beetroot. The experiment will need more than one piece of beetroot to experiment with, so the sizes of beetroot must be the same, they must have the same shape and the same surface area to not influence the results.

The amount of water to increase the temperature of the beetroot. When the membrane breaks down, the substances will diffuse in the water, so the water must be the same amount used in each experiment.

The time the beetroot is warmed by the water. There must be a time for the beetroot to be in the water for this will affect the colour intensity and influence the results.

The aperture used on the colorimeter. It must not change when measuring the colour intensity.

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Equipment needed:


Safety: goggles must be worn during the whole process

1, cut the beetroot up in to 1x1cm cubes using the razor blade and the ruler on the whit tile (need at least 15 cubes).

2, put each piece in to one test tube and label the tubes No.1 to No.15

3, use the cylinder to measure 50ml of distilled water and put the thermometer in

4, heat the water to 40ºC then pour into the cylinder to measure 5ml quickly pour in test tube No.1

5, start the stop watch and wait for 1 minute

6, ...

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