Small vs Large Organizations. Economies of scale might not always benefit the customers.

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Question 1.7.1 Small versus large

a) Economies of scale might not always benefit the customers. One way in which “economies of scale” is a disadvantage to customers would be economies of scale leading to less “personalized services”. Less personalized services is a result of “economies of scale” because the large firms that usually take advantage of economies usually have a large customer base. This large customer base would prevent the firm from completely knowing the needs of individual customers. On the other hand, a smaller firm would have fewer customers and they would get to know their customers a lot better. Another disadvantage that “economies of scale” have on customers would be it leading to “barriers to entry”. Barriers to entry are a disadvantage because it leads to less firms joining a market and therefore lead to less “competition” in a market. Less “competition” in a market would usually mean higher prices for customers. Lastly, economies of scale are a disadvantage to customers by it leading to “monopolies”. It would lead to monopolies because “economies of scale” encourages businesses to grow and as they grow they may acquire other firms related to it to eliminate the competition. The elimination of competition would lead to firms holding a “monopoly” in a market like Airbus and Boeing in this case study, which would allow them to control the prices of products in a market.

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b) Economies of scale may be inappropriate, undesirable, or inaccessible for certain businesses because of many reasons. First of all, a business may be one that specializes in making products in a “niche markets” such as Ferrari in this case study. Making products for a “niche market” like Ferrari would usually not require “large scale production”. This therefore makes economies of scale inappropriate and undesirable for the needs of the business. At the same time, some business owners may want to have greater “control” over their businesses. This then make economies of scale undesirable because it would lead to ...

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