Chemical monitoring and management - composition of the atmosphere and the problems of pollution.

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Chemical monitoring and management

Part A

  1. describe the composition and layered structure of the atmosphere.

First of all the atmosphere is a blanket of air which surrounds the earth. The atmosphere has many functions to maintain life on earth. This includes protection of UV radiation, vacuum of space and is part of the process of photosynthesis. There are 4 different layers in the atmosphere of the earth. All of these layers have been recognised due to the chemical composition, the density and thermal composition.


The troposphere is the first layer of the atmosphere starting from the surface of the earth.  It extends about 15 km upwards from the surface of the earth.  In this layer the temperature drops from 17 to -52 degrees. 90% of earth’s gases are present in the troposphere. The upper region of the troposphere is very stable. This region is called the tropopause. This region helps in reducing the mixture of gases.


In this layer the ozone of the earth is present. Hence the temperature of the stratosphere increases to about -3 degrees due to the hot UV radiation present in this region of the atmosphere. Thus this region compared to the troposphere is very dry. The Stratosphere extends from the top of the troposphere for about 31 miles. Many jet aircrafts fly in the stratosphere because it is very stable


The mesosphere starts from the top of the stratosphere and extends for about 85km. The gases here are in their excited state because of the sun’s energy they absorb. Temperature here reaches to about -93 degrees.

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The thermosphere starts just above the mesosphere and extends to about 600 km high. Temperatures here go up to a staggering 1700 degrees. Chemical reactions occur faster in this part of this atmosphere.

  1. Identify the main pollutants found in the lower atmosphere and their sources

  1. Describe how ozone as a molecule is able to act both as an upper atmosphere UV radiation shield and a lower atmosphere pollutant

The ozone is made up of  decomposed oxygen molecule reacted with another oxygen molecule.


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