Chemistry lab reort-molar volume of hydrogen

Authors Avatar by youhyunlee (student)

IB Chemistry DCP and CE

Hao Sun

Molar Volume of Hydrogen Gas

Youhyun Lee


Trial 1

Raw Data Table

Reference Data Table

* The reference data was provided by the supervisor.


Tiny little bubbles were squirting up from the bottom when the magnesium ribbon was inserted into the burette. The magnesium reacted with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. However, less bubbles of hydrogen gas were produced and the reaction was relatively slower than in other groups. As time elapsed, bubble rising velocity and the amount of bubbles were reduced. Big bubbles were intermittently produced by the magnesium and the time interval between successive bubbles became longer as the reaction went to completion. During this time, many tiny bubbles were trapped in the plastic gauze and failed to move up to the surface of the solution.

At the beginning of the reaction, a continuous small stream of solution flows from the burette in the water. As time elapsed, the stream has diminished.

The only mistake was that a small piece of magnesium was dropped into the beaker containing water. A stream of small bubbles was emitted from the piece of magnesium sunk to the bottom. No bubbles flew out of the burette and no obvious mistakes were made.


The number of moles of hydrogen gas produced is calculated through the reaction that it undergoes:









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The molar volume of hydrogen gas at STP is calculated using the combined gas law:







According to the combined gas law:



The molar volume of hydrogen gas at STP is

Theoretical value:

Molar volume of hydrogen gas

Percentage error






Trial 2

Raw Data Table

Reference Data ...

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