Detecting starch and sugars in food

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Candidate Name: Dai Yangyang

Date: June 8th, 2012


To detect the presence of starch and sugars (glucose and fructose) in different food sources.


We have many different foods in daily life and many of them contain nutrients like carbonhydrates which are essential to human life.

Starch is a polysaccharide, a group of nutrients known as carbonhydrates. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, simpler carbonhydrates which are often refered to as sugars.  

In order to detect the different carbonhydrates content in ranges of food, we used two theories in our experiment. Firstly, starch can react with iodine to create a blue product. Secondly, glucose and fructose are reducing sugars which can be tested by Benedict’s reagent, because the reducing sugars which contain aldehydes group produce red copper(Ⅰ) oxide precipitate when react with Benedict’s reagent.

Materials and equipments:

2cm3 of 1% starch solution, 2cm3 of 1% glucose solution, 10 cm3 of 1% iodine solution, 30 cm3 of 1% Benedict’s reagent, small amounts of different type of food (mushrooms, potatoes, bread piece, sweet potatoes, lemon, onion, biscuit, cucumber, tomatoes, peanuts,lettus, tomato sauce, dark green vegetables, milk, cereal), white tile

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Ten test tubes, test-tube holder, test-tube rack, Nusen burner, Heat-proof mat, safety glasses


  1. Three drops of 2cm3 of 1% starch solution was placed onto a white tile and three drops of iodine solution was added and observed the solor change.
  2. 2cm3 of glucose solution was placed into a test tube and added about five frops of Benedict’s reagent and boiled gently. Observed the color change.
  3. Placed small piece of ten foods in ten test tubes and added one drop of water,  three drops of 2cm3 of 1% starch to them respectively ...

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