Determining the empirical formula of magnesium oxide lab

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Determining the Empirical formula of Magnesium Oxide

Folawiyo Laditi

Masses and Qualitative data Observed

throughout the experiment:

Data Processing:

Below are other tables used to help calculate the empirical formula of the oxide:

Trial one:

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Therefore the empirical formula of the magnesium oxide is MgO

 Trial two:

Since multiplying the ratio by five gives the closest values to whole numbers, therefore the empirical formula of the oxide is Mg6O5.

The third trial was not taken into account because the mass after combustion was not recorded.

Uncertainty calculations:

The uncertainties for masses in both tables will be: 0.01+0.01=0.02g

Table one:

Here are the calculations for the uncertainty for the number of moles of magnesium: 0.02g/.10g×100%=20% (the uncertainty for the molecular mass is taken as zero) Therefore the percent uncertainty for the mass of ...

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