Enthalpy of paraffin wax Lab

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Chemistry Enthalpy of Paraffin Wax lab

Aim: Calculate an experimental value for the enthalpy of Combustion of paraffin wax


Independent variable:  Amount of heat released by the combustion of paraffin wax

Dependant variable: Enthalpy of combustion of paraffin wax


The candle used to release energy must be the same throughout the experiment, to ensure that the wax is the same. This will be done by only using one wax candle

The aluminium can used to heat up the water must remain the same so that it’s mass does not change due to the carbon molecules on the bottom from the heat and so that no water escapes the system. This will be done by using only one wax candle.

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The thermometer used throughout the experiment must be the same to ensure it doesn’t cause random error.

The water used must be from the same source to ensure it’s qualities are the same. This will be done by using the same tap for the water.  

The system should be closed so that no energy is released to the atmosphere.


  1. Weigh the candle and the can and note down their masses
  2. Take 100g of water and pour it in the can
  3. Measure the temperature of the water in the can and note it down
  4. Place the ...

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