


        How will altering the concentration of HCl affect the rate of the following reaction:

Zn (s) + HCl (aq) ---> ZnCl (aq) + H2 (g)


According to the collision theory, the rate of a reaction depends on the frequency of collisions between reacting particles. The more frequent the collisions, the faster the rate of the reaction. However, in order for the collisions to be effective, the particles must collide with sufficient energy (activation energy). Furthermore, the particles must collide with the proper orientation. The aim of this lab is to increase how often collisions occur. Theoretically, we should be able to achieve this by increasing the HCl concentration. However, we will instead decrease the HCl concentration just because it’s easier by diluting it with water. We thus predict that by decreasing the HCl concentration, it should take longer for the reaction to produce the predetermined amounts of hydrogen gas that we are observing.


        Independent- the concentration of HCl

        Dependent- the rate of the reaction

        Controlled-  Size of test tube

Syringe type

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Mass of Zn

Volume of HCl

Size of the stopper


        Controlling Variables

        size of test tube- we used the same test tube for most of the trials

        syringe type- we used the same syringe for all the trials

        timer- we used the same timer for all the trials

        mass of zn- we kept the mass of zn constant 1.00g

        size of the stopper- we used the same stopper



  1. Grab a test tube rack, a test tube, a stopper that fits snuggly into the test tube and a syringe.
  2. ...

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