Heat of Reaction Lab Results and Conclusion

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Heat of Reaction Lab

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Uncertainty Propagation

Moles of Fe

0.07501 moles (± 1.79067E-05 moles)

Molar Heat Change

-31.36 kJ  ± 0.15 kJ

When the probe was placed into the Styrofoam, it took a large leap during the first four seconds by immediately jumping from 25 °C to 26.5 °C. It climbed at a slower rate to 27.5°C in the next 8 seconds then “decelerated” from 27.5 to 27.9 in around the next 18 seconds. When the iron was added at 30 seconds, the temperature flirted with fluctuations around the 28 °C area, then after a few ...

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