Ions important to human health - Iron is one of the most important ions in the maintaining of homeostasis in the human body.

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Iron is one of the most important ions in the maintaining of homeostasis in the human body. Iron is essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood and it’s also a part of the enzyme needed for respiration.  In humans, a male body would have approximately 3.45 g of iron and women, 2.45 g. 60%-70% in hemoglobin 10%-12% in myoglobin & enzymes and as ferritin 29% in women & 10 % in men stored & deliver in spleen & bone marrow. Iron is stored in human tissues mostly as ferron.  It is absorbed from the food we eat in the small intestine and passes into the blood to the bone marrow. There, it is used in making hemoglobin, which is is what makes the color of blood red.  After circulating in the blood for 120 days, it is destroyed, and the iron is used over again.  Men require about 0.5 to 1.0 mg. of iron daily. Women require twice this amount.  During pregnancy and lactation, from 2-4 mg of iron per day is required.  Before puberty and after menopause, women require the same amount of iron as men. Because only a small amount of iron present in food is absorbed, it is necessary to provide from 15 to 30 mg of iron in the diet to be certain than 1-4 mg is absorbed. In the first few months of life, infants will use up most of their iron stores; a diet of formula may not have enough iron to replenish those stores. It is therefore important to add iron-containing foods to an infant’s diet by the age of 6 months.  

There are two main types of dietary iron. About 90% of iron from food is in the form of iron salt and is called nonheme iron, which is poorly absorbed.  The other 10% of dietary iron is called heme iron, which is found in the hemoglobin & myoglobin of meat and is well absorbed.  Iron absorption is influenced by other dietary factors.  About 50% of iron from breast milk is absorbed but only about 10% of iron in the whole cow’s milk is absorbed.  The reason for the higher absorption of iron from breast milk is unknown.  Ascorbic acid, meat, fish, and poultry enhance absorption of nonheme iron.  Bran, vegetable fiber, tea, and phosphates inhibit absorption of iron.  Orange juice doubles the absorption of iron from the meal and tea decreases it by 75%.  

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A lack of iron in the diet is characterized by anemia, pale complexion, conjuctival pallor, retarded development, and a decreased amount of hemoglobin in each cell.  The following foods are good sources of iron: almonds, asparagus, bran, beans, cauliflower, celery, dandelions, egg yolk, lettuce, liver, oatmeal, oysters, soy beans, and whole wheat.  Other good sources are apricots, beets, beef, cabbage, corn meal, cucumbers, pineapples and turnips.


A second ion important to homeostasis in the human body is potassium. Potassium is extremely important to life in general. Without it, the plans wouldn’t grow, and ...

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