Lab report. Finding the molar enthalpy change of the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate

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lFinding the molar enthalpy change of the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate

by: Tommaso Fricano

Data Collection:

After carrying out the experiment I ended up with this raw data:

The peak temperature, which can be seen in my results was not he one I obtained from the graph I received form carrying out the experiment as so we would not be talking heat loss into account. In order to find the value of the actual peak temperature I plotted a line, which traced the actual line of the graph from the peak towards the decreasing temperature. I then found the temperature on this line when the temperature started increasing so finding the value of were the peak would have been if it wasn’t for heat loss. This is one of my graphs:

 Now having the results I proceeded to find the enthalpy change for the reaction I did this carrying out number of steps, which were:

I started off by calculating the average temperatures for each experiment I did this by using the formula:

. I determined the uncertainty as according to textbook the uncertainties when calculating averages is the biggest difference between the average and one of the values used, I so got:


I then calculated the average mass of

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 by adding to the solution using the same formula for the average temperature, then calculated the uncertainties using the same method as used for the average temperature change.

I then added the mass of the

 to the mass of the solution so assuming HCL weighed as much as water and I also added the uncertainties together and then put the mass into kilograms as we will be using an equation requiring kilograms. I so got:


I then needed to calculate the number of moles of both the solution and the

 in order to find the limiting reactant ...

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