In conclusion, the following order represents the boiling points in the discussed organic compounds (in order from highest to lowest) – 1) Carboxylic acids 2) Alcohol, 3) Ketone, 4) Aldehyde, 5) Amine, 6) Ether and 7) Alkane.  Alkanes, which are hydrocarbons that consist only of single bonds, have the least boiling point due to the fact that they experience only London dispersion forces. Hence the longer the carbon chain (of the alkane) the higher the boiling point, as there more forces to break through in order for the molecules to boil. The strength of Van der Waal forces (in this case London dispersion) depend on two factors: the length of the alkane and the surface are of the molecule. In the case of branched alkanes, there is less surface area in contact between two molecules than two molecules of a straight chain alkane, and so the branched alkane will have a lower boiling point as they don’t “lock” as well between themselves. In term of melting points of alkanes, the basis of the classification is the alkane’s ability to pack with corresponding alkanes. The better the pack between the alkanes (the more solid the two molecules), the higher the melting point, as the more rigid and fixed the structure, the harder it is to melt it. Generally, even numbered carbon alkane chains have a higher melting point (within its range) as they pack into more organized solids which require more energy to melt, than odd-numbered carbon chains. Comparatively, the melting point of branched alkanes is also based on its ability to pack as a solid. In some cases, the melting point of the branched alkane is higher than that of the corresponding straight chain (such as isoalkanes). In terms of cis and trans structures of alkanes, cis structures have a greater boiling point due to a more polar bond as opposed to trans, whose polar bonds cancel each other out resulting in a virtually non-polar molecule. Alkanes are essentially non-polar and insoluble in water. 

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Ethers, the organic compound with the second least boiling point, are classified by their ether group which consists of an oxygen bonded to two alkyl groups. Much like the alkanes, ethers are unable to form hydrogen bonds with each other which results in their relatively low boiling point. The difference however, is that ethers are slightly polar as their C-O-C bond do not cancel each other out. This creates a slight dipole-dipole force between them, attaining their higher boiling point than alkanes. Additionally, while being unable to hydrogen bond amongst themselves, the two lone pair on the oxygen allow ...

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